ABCmouseCom Giveaway

ABCmouseCom Giveaway

Review and Giveaway

Version in English is in the bottom of the page este un site educațional pentru copii cu vârsta cuprinsa între 2 și 6 ani. Acest site este foarte ușor de utilizat chiar și pentru cei mai tineri utilizatori ai calculatoarelor pentru a juca jocuri și pentru diverse activități care ajuta la dezvoltarea abilităților pentru grădiniță. Copii câștiga puncte atunci când se joacă sau finaliza o activitate, puncte pe care le pot cheltui la un magazin on-line. De  asemenea, siteul nu are nici un fel de reclame.
Pagina de colorat, sala de clasă a grădiniței, grădina zoologică, cărți interactive și cântecele plus multe alte opțiuni existente garantează că cei mai multi preșcolari vor reveni pe acest site pentru a găsi ceva nou tot timpul și vor învăța de fiecare dată cu totul alte lucruri.

  • pentru copii cu vârsta intre 2 si 6 ani
  • 450 de lecții
  • peste 3000 de  activități de învățare
  • lecțiile sunt împărțite în 6 nivele.
  • fiecare nivel include 4 teme: lectură, matematică, lumea din jurul nostru și Arte și Culori.
Pentru copii cu vârste peste 3 ani:
Nivelul 1 - 410 activități
Nivelul 2 - 425 activități
Pentru copii cu vârste peste 4 ani:
Nivelul 3 - 452 activități
Nivelul 4 - 535 activități
Pentru copii cu vârste peste 5 ani:
Nivelul 5 - 655 activități
Nivelul 6 - 631 activități

Când copilul termină o activitate sau o lecție va fi recompensati cu bilete a căror valoare depinde de cât de dificilă a fost activitatea sau lecția rezolvată. Cu aceste bilete copii pot să viziteze centrul comercial și să cumpere diverse lucruri de la magazinul de animale, de unde pot cumpăra animale și alte chestii pentru animale, de la magazinul de haine, unde gasesc haine noi pentru avatarul lor, etc.


Premiul: Un abonament valabil 1 an pe

Pentru a participa la acest concurs, completați cât mai multe intrări în aplicația Rafflecopter de mai jos. După ce ați completat intrarea obligatorie, se vor debloca intrări suplimentare opționale pe care le puteți completa pentru a vă crește șansele la tragerea la sorti a acestui concurs. Acest concurs se încheie pe data de 16 iunie 2013 și se adresează persoanelor majore.

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Opiniile exprimate în aceste rânduri sunt personale şi pot diferi de cele ale dumneavoastră. Ceva de umplut timpul | Something to fill the time nu este responsabil pentru expedierea premiului. Nu am primit nici un fel de compensație pentru promovarea aceastui eveniment. Acest eveniment nu este în nici un fel asociat cu Facebook, Twitter sau Pinterest.
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Online Job for All. Work from home computer. is a subscription-based educational website for kids age 2 to 6. This site is easy enough for even the youngest computer users to play games and do activities that will help them begin the journey into reading and other kindergarten skills. Kids earn points when they play games or complete an activity, which they can "spend" at a pretend online store. There are also no ads either!
From the colorful kindergarten classroom homepage and learning zoo, to interactive books and songs, there are so many choices here that most pre-school children will be able to come back to this site and find something new to do and learn every time. Even I couldn't believe how many different activities their were. My 4 year old was showing me around!

  • For ages 2-6
  • 450 lessons
  • 3000+ learning activities
  • The lessons are broken down into 6 levels.  
  • Each level includes 4 Subjects: Reading, Math, The World Around Us and Art & Colors.  
Preschool (Ages 3+):

Level 1- 410 Learning Activities

Level 2- 425 Learning Activities

Pre-K (Ages 4+):

Level 3- 452 Learning Activities

Level 4- 535 Learning Activities

Kindergarten (Ages 5+):

Level 5- 655 Learning Activities

Level 6- 631 Learning Activities

When your child finishes an activity or lesson, they will earn tickets.  The amount of tickets, depends on how difficult the activities/lesson is.  They are then able to spend the tickets in the shopping center.  Then they are able to go to the shopping center and buy things with their tickets.  There is a Pet Store where they can buy animals and stuff for the animals cages, etc.  There is also a clothes store, where they can purchase new clothing for their Avatar, etc.

Here are some of the great features at!

The bedroom
Parents Homepage
Parents Homepage

Our Experience:

We had a lot of fun with ABCmouse. It was an honor to work with them. My 4 year old was extremely excited to get started. She has improved greatly since we began. Even my 3 year old has show progress! He is delayed a bit. So this program is definitely giving him the push he needs. I'm not sure if he will be ready for Pre-K in the fall, but I know I can count on ABCmouse to help get us moving. 

It was a slow start, as they had to get used to using a mouse. But it has been an easy journey since. They are both learning to read now and can tell me all of the letters in the alphabet by reading them! Even some small words! It is so surprising that a simple online program can help improve their skills so greatly. My 3 year old is not developing as fast as I would like, so it was a shock at how well he can read. He doesn't talk much yet, but he can tell me what numbers and letters are now. It is simply astonishing. I am so pleased to have had the chance to review ABCmouse with them. It has now became a staple with our family. I will use it with all of my children. The commercial is also really catchy. My 4 year old is always repeating it. haha

I also love the reward process that they have. For completing activities on the learning path they can receive tickets. There is also a coin based reward, which they can use to "purchase" pets, supplies and fun things for their virtual bedroom. 

Have you tried ABCmouse
Such a great way to keep your childrens' minds ready for the upcoming school years!

Want to win a year of 

Just enter using the rafflecopter form below!
This giveaway is open WW, but you must be 18+ to enter. 

Open 5/31 - 6/15

Online Job for All. Work from home computer.
Templates, Pictures & Easy-To-Follow Instructions Included in 700 Unique Fun Kids Crafts
So Sew MamaCeva de umplut timpul | Something to fill the time and the participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. So Sew Mama received a free sample. All views are 100% her own. Facebook, twitter and pinterest are not affiliated with this giveaway. I am not responsible for sponsor prize fulfillment. 


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