Win 54$ whit ContestChest

Version in English is in the bottom of the page

Concursul organizat pentru voi de catre ContestChest impreuna cu Ceva de umplut timpul... a ajuns la a doua editie.
Premiul se modifica saptamanal, regulile sunt aceleasi:
Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a intra in tragerea la sorti pentru cei 54$ este sa completati cat mai multe intrari in aplicatia de mai jos.
Concursul este deschis la nivel international si se termina pe 21 iulie.

The contest brought to you by ContestChest in associon whit Something to fill the time ... appears a second time.
Payout changed weekly, the rules are the same:
All you have to do to enter the draw for the $54 is fill as many check in the application below.
The competition is open internationally and ends on July 21.
Concurs promovat pe Concursuri online. 


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